New Hampshire Fish and Game

As guardian of New Hampshire’s fish, wildlife and marine resources, the mission of the New Hampshire Fish and Game Department (NHF&G) is to conserve, manage, and protect those resources and their habitats. In addition, the Department actively informs and educates the public about New Hampshire’s wildlife resources and provides opportunities for the public to use and appreciate those resources. When wildlife/human conflicts occur, staff from New Hampshire’s Animal Damage Control Program (which includes both state and federal damage specialists) implements strategies in an effort to resolve said conflicts. The program has responded to more than 11,000 requests for assistance in the past 5 years and nearly 46,000 requests since its inception in 1986.


New Hampshire’s Animal Damage Control Program entails a long standing partnership between the Fish and Game Department and Wildlife Services (under USDA/APHIS).  The program combines state and federal expertise, resources, and personnel to assist the citizens of New Hampshire in assessing, preventing or reducing wildlife damage to agriculture, property and natural resources, and in mitigating threats to human health and safety.  The Animal Damage Control Program focuses on prevention and control of wildlife damage and conflicts.  Individual assistance is provided in the form of educational materials, evaluations, recommendations, site visits, direct control, distribution of mitigation materials, and when appropriate, referrals to private sector specialists known as Nuisance Wildlife Control Operators. Contact the Wildlife Service Office at 603-223-6832 or NHF&G at 603-271-2461 for more information.

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